Esther Altshul Helfgott, Ph.D., Editor & Publisher
HR Greenberg M.D.
I met Dr Buxbaum briefly when I was 4th Infantry Division Psychiatrist in
l965, stationed at Fort Lewis, Tacoma, Washington. I was prepared to be
intimidated, as I had been meeting famous old guard analysts during my
psychiatric training, Bettelheim included -- who I very much thought wanted
one to feel that way. Much to my surprise, she was charming, witty, and had
many intriguing things to say not only about psychoanalysis but the wider
world, during what was, as I recall, a social evening rather than any kind of
professional meeting.
I found Buxbaum's thoughts on the maternal child symbiosis invaluable in work
published about ten years later on the vicissitudes of omnipotent fantasies
during adolescence.
Thanks. HR Greenberg MD ENDIT
Jan 2002